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Parish Ambassador

The E6 Catholic Men's Conference needs your help!


As Christ said to his future apostles Peter and Andrew, "Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men," we also are asking men to step up as a Parish Ambassador and be "fishers of men" within their parish and community to help bring more men to E6. Those who have attended a men's conference know the blessing one can receive from just one talk, one message that resonates with where you are at spiritually. The opportunity of going to Confession, celebrating Mass and praying the Rosary are all great ways to help men put on the Armor of God!


Benefits of being a Parish Ambassador:

  • You are helping to bring men closer to Christ.

  • You will get reducing ticket pricing for you and the men you sign up.

  • You will receive a free E6 T-Shirt at the conference

  • Helps you fulfill your mission of evangelization by reaching out to someone who needs to go but wouldn't do so without a personal invitation.


If you or someone you know is interested in signing up as a Parish Ambassador, please fill out the form below. After you are signed up, we will send you the Parish Ambassador Manual, which contains all the information needed to get men signed up in your parish. We truly appreciate your support of the E6 Catholic Men's Conference.


God Bless you!

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